Erin Konomos is a Designer based in Southern California.
Originally from Missouri, she holds a BFA in Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute.

Rouge Blvd is a concept that arose from the mindset of roaming freely. Inspired by the tale of Moulin Rouge, a poignant love story that showcases individuality and artistic expression… this too is a destination for all.

You never anticipate the chance encounters that hold the power to revolutionize your point of view. Whether you’re a fellow creator or someone who simply finds solace in the world of art, I hope you find something here that resonates with you.

Thank you for visiting!

FAVORITE BOOK: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
MY HAPPY SONG: ‘In My Life’ by Nelly
IN MY BAG: Sunnies, Lipgloss, Tangerines, New York Times
HOBBIES: Skiing, Violin, Piano,Typography, Trend Forecasting